Men – The questions your Valentine’s blind date really wants to ask you.
People are usually on their best behaviour when it comes to first dates. Filled with a whole gamut of emotions, even the most confident of us are likely to be harbouring nerves, worry about how we’re going to be perceived and of course, that ever present fear of rejection. With this in mind, Macbeth Matchmaking is giving you a golden ticket into your date’s mind. If you get stuck for conversation at any point, or aren’t quite sure what that look meant, here are some of the things she’s wondering, but probably to embarrassed to say. Don’t worry, you can thank us later for this exclusive matchmakers/matchmaking advice. What do you really want? With a few exceptions, this is usually the prevailing thought in a women’s mind when she’s sitting across the table from you. It will be especially true if she’s looking for a serious relationship and is uninterested in wasting time on someone with differing goals. If your date does have the confidence to just come out ...